The governing mayor was joined in the reviewing vehicle by German Brig. Gen. Hasso Freiherrvon Uslar-Gleichen and by Maj. Gen. Walter Yates, commander of the U.S. Army Berlin; Brigadier David Bromhead, commander of the Berlin Infantry Brigade (British); and General Jean Brullard, commandant of the French forces in Berlin. Gen. Yates, in ceremonial remarks printed in the program, noted a special bond between Americans and Berliners who shared both perilous days and the joy of German reunification. "It has been an honor to serve in Berlin. Nowhere else has the West more clearly demonstrated its resolve to deter aggression, promote democracy and protect freedom. "Our mission is complete, it is time to leave . . . Leaving is not easy, but we hope to leave a legacy of freedom, hope, goodwill and tolerance. Our best wishes to you all. Auf Wiedersehen!

As the dozens of buses carrying Allied troops and guests wound through the city streets back to the bases, passengers got no rest from waving. Berliners dotted the streets from the Tiergarten to Zehlendorf, Spandau and the Quartier Napoleon. It was a spontaneous outpouring as people saw the buses carrying military and instantly waved as individuals and as part of small groups. A reception for a sampling of soldiers and their families followed at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (House of the Cultures of the World), formerly known as the Congress Hall. A later get-together was offered at Defender Field at McNair Barracks, where cases of donated soft drinks were consumed. Then, the tradition of Allied parades in Berlin headed for the history books. It signaled the end of an era, but who can complain about a happy ending?

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